Thursday, March 5, 2009

Crocus again

These are more of the crocus that grow in the gravel at the edge of the upper pond. They're from an assortment we got at last 15 years ago since I'm sure they've been there as long as the pond. They make a nice, tight clump that increases every year. They are properly Crocus vernus, though proper names escape me.

Another Crocus vernus, this time in lavender.
This is Crocus tommasinianus 'Lilac Beauty'. I love the red spot in the center. I don't think I have another crocus with that.

This one is a another Crocus tommasinianus. Wish I knew it's name. A lot of my crocus have gotten confused over the years, tags lost, etc, so I just enjoy them. These are very early, usually some of the first to bloom, with small flowers on short stems. Just perfect for cold sunny days so they can stay close to the ground and out of the wind.
I don't seem to have any pictures of the late crocuses - those large ones. I'll have to get some pictures this year, though they are much later coming out. I've always liked the lavender and white striped ones. These large ones don't seem to multiply here as readily as the others and seem to die out eventually. We have one here, one there, throughout the gardens in the front of the house. They are more likely to be blooming with the mid-season daffodils than with the snowdrops.

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