Monday, March 23, 2009

Abeliophyllum - a bit more

I posted close-up pictures of the Abeliophyllum a few days ago, but didn't have a picture of an entire bush. I finally got it taken and downloaded and so here it is. I so often just take close-ups and I know people like to see how the whole thing might look like in their garden. Although Abeliophyllum is exceptionally cold hardy, blooming before almost anything else, it does have its limits. We had a temperature of 19 degrees (F) the other morning and although the bushes are still good from even a relatively close distance, right up close to the flowers you can see that they suffered a little bit of damage - some brown spots on some of the petals. Not enough to detract from the beauty except with your nose almost in the flower, but damage nonetheless.
There was a comment on the Petasites and so although the leaves aren't up yet, I do have some good pictures of them from last year and I'll post them tomorrow with all of the cultural information on them.

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