Thursday, May 29, 2008

Iris - Part One

This is an Arilbred Iris. The colors are often very different from what I'm used to in iris - some almost metallic. I think I had a little about this before, but we grow them in with our hardy cactus so that they have perfect drainage and they've been happy there and multiplying for quite a few years.

This is a Tall Bearded or German Iris named 'Babboon Bottom'. I had never seen a picture of if, but it was one of those plants that I bought purely for the name. Just couldn't resist. As it turns out, it is quite a beautiful thing. This is planted in a short row next to my vegetable garden on a small gravelly ridge which keeps them out of standing water when we have a heavy rain. Iris seem to be or two sorts, those who love and/or live in the water and those who can't stand wet feet.

This is a medium sized (height-wise) iris. They keep coming up with new designations and not being a totally crazy iris collector, I just buy what I like and don't worry as much about classifying them. This is called 'Ditto' and grows near the upper pond, also in a gravelly mound.

This is Iris ensata 'Pinkerton'. These used to be called Japanes Iris, but I think that ensata is the more politically correct name. These come in all sorts of colors, mostly purples and lavenders but I love this pink one. There are all sorts of patterns which have been developed and different combinations of falls and standards. Maybe when they come into bloom, any day now, I'll do a whole post on these which like damp places but will grow dry also.

Here's one that really prefers wet feet. This is Iris fulva 'Red Dazzler', a selection of the species. It is growing in the shallow part of one of the ponds and we also have some growing in the bog. It is a lovely brick red color and rather short, maybe only 15 inches tall. If happy, it does multiply quite well.

Unfortunately this one no longer grows here. It is of a group called Pacific Coast Hybrids. They come, as their name implies from the west coast, mostly I think from the northern half of the coast. We can keep them alive for a few years, but something about our climate just doesn't agree with them.

This is one of my miniatures. They are just so cute. The flowers aren't necessarily all that small, but the plants are only about 8 inches tall. They are fast increasers so you'll have enough of these to share or spread around quickly. Another that likes to be on the dry side. This one is 'Robin's Egg'.

More on different types of Iris tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Louisiana iris 'Red Dazzler' is a beauty. There are few red irises that have a more brilliant color. Nice site.
