This first one ia Iris albopurpurea 'Monstrosa'.

Then Iris versicolor - pink form

Iris spuria 'Zamboanga' is definitely an unusual color.

Iris siberica 'Contrast in Styles'

Next, an iris that is a cross between 2 species. Iris pseudata 'Kinshiko'. I love this color, though it is easier to enjoy than to describe.
Iris pseudacorus 'Gold Pagoda'is a double form of Iris pseudacorus.

The Pacific Coast Hybrids are gorgeous, but here they are very short lived, 2 years at best. I tried to grow them, but they just don't seem to like our climate.

The miniature iris are cute and need really good drainage and lots of sun. This one is 'Black Cherry Delight'.

Next is Iris Louisiana 'Cherry Cup'

Iris histrioides 'George' is an iris that bloom very early in the spring, even before most of the daffodils.

Iris graminea likes full sun and a sort of dry spot. The blooms are barely above the foliage, sort of like a flock of butterflies alighting on the leaves. This one blooms mid-May.
Hope you enjoyed all of the photos. I think I'm done with the deer resistant stuff and will be off to 'what's blooming in the garden' for the next few posts.
Stunning Iris Pictures! You may enjoy my Iris post:
I enjoy seeing resistant plants it add beaufiles the comound
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