Saturday, July 19, 2008


I was out early yesterday to take pictures and came across this wonderful spider web woven between two very tall daylily scapes. It certainly wouldn't have caught my eye later in the morning once the dew had dried up. I was hoping to put some of my favorite spider pictures up too, but can't seem to find any right now. The occupant of this web was nowhere to be seen. I guess I'll have to work on my spider pictures to put up later. We have some common ones here but also some that seem quite odd to me. I don't like them crawling on me, but I find them fascinating to watch. Ones that have walked on me while I watched them seemed to soft, not at all scratchy. We had Black Widow spiders when I lived in West Virginia. I often found them in the garden, under plants. I was scared of them because of the potential for harm from their bites, but there are few spiders so pretty. They are almost like patent leather, so shiny and black.

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